One of the most important things you can control while applying to a medical residency is your residency statement. This document is your opportunity to let the admissions committees know who you are, what makes your medical story unique, and where you see yourself going. Writing a compelling residency statement is your chance to show…

Creating an Impressive Residency Statement

If you are applying for a medical residency, the single most important element of your application is the residency statement. Your residency statement is your personal statement – your chance to tell the selection committee about you and why you are applying. Creating an Impressive Residency Statement

Writing An Exceptional Residency Statement

The personal statement for your residency application is your one opportunity to get the story of who you are – what you’ve done, why you want to become a doctor, and why you want to train with someone new – on to a piece of paper and in between two sheets of type. In the…

Residency Statement: Crafting a Powerful Narrative

The personal statement for a residency in medicine helps her competitors only a little. Sure, they need to own a passport and have a medical licence – but as of now, that’s not all that differentiates aspiring doctors. Medical education is becoming so competitive that the residency statement must be part of their strategy. So…

Residency Statement: Crafting a Persuasive Narrative

At a time when best qualifications are similar for all applicants to a medical residency, the residency statement successfully offers a compelling reason for particular candidates to be picked for a residency over others who may also have good academic transcripts and test scores. Residency Statement: Crafting a Persuasive Narrative